Friday, June 04, 2004

Dude, where's my Karma?

WTF? I've been burgled twice, had a terrible experience clubbing, hurt my neck in Yoga and last night I discovered that the strange crackling noise coming from my kitchen was a mouse munching through a bag of expensive pasta that I really really wanted to try.

And now, my bad karma seems to have spilled from the physical world into the virtual world. Bernie, who I haven't spoken to in a while, emailed me to tell me that I'd sent him 5 spam virus emails.

So -- advice please. Do I need to drink some chicken blood? Shove a crystal up my bum? How do I stop this before the locust plagues and boils reach me?

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At 10:27 AM, Blogger Kai said...

So after running every sort of virus check on my machine, I realised that Bernie isn't even on my version of Outlook, so there is no way I could have sent him an email.

But to save time in the future, here are some links to sites that help you understand what processes are running on your machine:


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