Sunday, July 11, 2004

Big Brother - the making of...

Now that we've got webcams connected to everyone, we're on the way to turning our flat into the Big Brother house.

We've already suffered serious incidents of information overload in the process of setting up The Flat of the Future.

The other day, both me and Nico had at least 3 IMs going, broadcasting bloops and 'open door' noises over a 5.1 stereo system. At the same time we were trying to talk to each other about the various online chats we were having with friends in common.

Then my mobile rang from downstairs, and my head exploded.

But we pioneering a wireless connected environment, and you gotta break some eggs to make an omelette. Maybe not the best metaphor considering all of the electromagnetic waves that are probably microwaving our bollocks.

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At 7:33 PM, Blogger magalovely said...

Lucky I am of the Martian species as that sounds painful. Ding!


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