Friday, September 17, 2004

Michele LaRocca

Michele LaRocca
Michele LaRocca, originally uploaded by kaioshin.
Michele was one of my best friends in grade school -- but I haven't spoken to him in about 15 years.

I just happened to be flipping through Vice magazine at the local coffeeshop (no-one), when I came across this pic!

No, he's not an underwear model -- they were doing a special on teachers/educators in New York.

I take this as a sign that I should try to get back in touch. If anyone knows Michele, drop me an email.

Technorati submit Michele LaRocca to reddit


At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kai!!

Erik Egol here, found you while ramdomly searching old friends, and came upon the pic of Michele to boot- I laughed for 10 minutes. Hope all is well with you, I'll read more about your current life. My 10 years of touring are over, I now teach drum lessons, in a school and free-lance, full-time, Ah, music- saved my life.
Anyway- it's great to hear you, and see an updates pic. All the best to you. Erik


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