Friday, October 15, 2004

Damn Hippies!

Urban Decay
Urban Decay, originally uploaded by kaioshin.
These folks thought they'd protest the posters on Old Street by painting over a bunch and writing their anti-poster message.

Something, I take offense to, given I've just built a website using those posters as the main source of content.

These protester-for-the-sake-of-protest don't seem to understand the nature of urban decay.

When the posters come down, much less-nice grafitti goes up. By that I mean the boring tagging, not the pieces that actually take some talent.

Second, fly-posting is the alternative for small productions that don't have the budget to put a huge "GAP" ad on the Old Street roundabout.

Posters and ads are part of the urban environment. If you don't like it, move to the country.

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