Monday, February 14, 2005

Challenging the assumption that higher dimensions are greater

In reading "Surfing through Hyperspace" -- I accepted the assumption that 4D beings must be greater, more intelligent beings, and 2D beings (eg. Flatland, or Plato's shadow-play) must be lesser.

However, in working on a 2D RubiX cube, I realised that visualising, understanding and interacting with 2D space can be just as difficult as interacting with 4D space.

By this, I mean, it would be as much of a leap for a 4D being to imagine what it would be like to live in 3D space as it would for a 3D being to imagine 4D space.

Either way, it's stretching natural perception to one that can only be imagined.

[ Update: Having thought about this further, it's flawed. Just as motion in 3D space requires an understanding of the 3 degrees of freedom, motion in 4D space would require a more advanced natural understanding of 4D space, allowing one to do complex tranformations (rotations, etc.) naturally -- and would therefore imply an innate understanding of higher mathematics. ]

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