Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Hitler jokes -- still not funny in some circles

(or - "How many people can you offend in a single blog post?")

London Mayor Ken Livingstone was surprised at the backlash he received for "likening a Jewish reporter to a Nazi concentration camp guard" in a comment he made a few days ago. Just as the Olympic committee was visiting for the London 2005 bid.

Similar blunders by Mayor Ken include singing "Mamie" in black-face minstrel costume at an NAACP fancy-dress event, and giving a speech at a meeting for The Rainbow Project entitled "Sinners and Fornicators (Not that there's anything wrong with that) - Make London your Home"

[Update: Apparently, it's now safe to joke about Germans. As Look Around You reports -- 'Germs originated in Germany.' In other news, French, Irish and Welsh comedians on the rise.]

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