Sunday, March 27, 2005

Maybe we make first contact

Most sci-fi scenarios I've seen involve us being contacted by higher forms of alien life.

But perhaps we are currently the most advanced intelligence (I know -- a bit Copernican of me, but still it's a thought exercise) -- are we trying hard enough to make first contact?

Carl Sagan designed a placard for the rocket (which one, I forget) -- this was at the information design exhibition at the design museum -- but it did not contain nearly enough information.

Here's what I suggest. Humans build a time capsule with all of human achievement encrypted onto it. It would need to be digital, so perhaps the basic encapsulation contains the instructions to build a media player, as well as the media player itself with components that should last 1 billion years (at least).

This time capsule is buried on the moon (in case we destroy ourselves) and also multiple versions are launched towards various galaxies likely to support life.

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At 5:26 AM, Blogger Jomo said...

Two thoughts:
1. I'm partial to the original Star Trek series, which wanted to explore the universe in search of other sentient beings. That's a notion of initiating contact.
2. (Again, Star Trek) Didn't the whole "Wrath of Khan" movie- based on an episode in the original series- play off the notion of deep space travel by people who were effectively in a time capsule?

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Jomo said...

By the way, check out this book by Carl Sagan. Kai, you might remember I found this on a bus bench in Palo Alto when we worked at Plugged In.

Dope book-- especially the detection kit for logical fallacies.


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