Saturday, March 19, 2005

Return to the phone

I'm returning to communications -- old school!

Maybe not as far back as the telegraph (although that might be fun to learn) -- I'm decided that the phone-a-friend option is better than email and instant messaging. There's nothing like a person's voice to understand how they are.

Face-to-face is even better, so I am working on my social ineptitude to get better at that too.

For American readers, a good starting point with brits is "you alright?" I've learned this doesn't imply that there is something wrong, which is how I used to react as in "wtf? what do you think is wrong with me?" A better response is "Yeah. How about you?"

Politeness is important over here. Even yobs will say please and thank you.

Word of caution, once I get my residency, I won't be providing translation for the sceptic ranks.

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