Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Kaigani 3.0 - my plans for 2006

Holidays are always moments of clarity for me. In 2003, I realised it was time to leave Sapient and finally start my own company.

This year, I've realised the bloody obvious. My life and career has always been dictated by video games. I first touched a computer because I wanted to make video games. I majored in Computer Science at Stanford because I wanted to make video games. I co-opted the teen channel I was co-producing at AOL to create a video game community (I wish I had stuck with it-- I might have rivalled IGN by now.)

So -- in 2006, I will finally move into the gaming industry.

I'm currently developing a concept with Micah (formerly of the True Crime series) and Matia for a game and a unique business model.

Watch this space.

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