Saturday, December 31, 2005

Visual programming for the 21st century

This is a recurring theme throughout my life... perhaps it's the natural extension of being an information architect with a computer science background.

I continually think that for programming to evolve into the next generation of complexity it needs a visual system that non-techies can understand.

Until now, attempts at Visual Programming, have been equally confusing systems of flow charting.

What we need is to define and test (using user experience design principles) to create a metaphorical language.

This metaphorical language should be analogous to building something in the real world. Like building Lego Mindstorms or an electric train set.

You should be able to click together components in a physical, tactile way, and take them apart as well.

For for instance, you take apart a word processor, pull out the spell checker and plug it into your program.

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