Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Discovered this via Jones: YubNub a 'command line scripting' tool for the web.

One step closer to realising the vision of the web-as-services rather than as pages. (I should mention that according to Sapient circa 1999, this was 'just about to happen')

Of course, I've always held the belief that the Web should have been converted to XML should have replaced HTML long ago as the lingua franca of the Web.

So, for instance, a YubNub GIM command should retrieve an array of Image references that you can work with. Perhaps someone will implement a HTML-to-XML site parser to plug into YubNub and we'll be that much closer.

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At 8:36 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Hi Kai - cool idea about a YubNub html2xml command. Hopefully someone will create it!


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