Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The New Blog Order: Less noise, more signal

Over the past month, I've been blogging like crazy to increase traffic. While I was able to get 400% more visitors than before, I've also learned quite a bit about the changing world of the blogosphere.

First off, the 'link blog' is dead. With services like Digg.com and del.icio.us -- it's very difficult to find a new link to post that hasn't already been found. Full-time blogger Kottke has realised this.

New bloggers will have to start acting like journalists and authors. Searching for a scoop, and spending time crafting a well thought out entries. For instance, how Guy Kawasaki writes his blog -- spending a couple of hours writing a single post, and getting that post proofread by a trusted colleague.

Also, bloggers need to be more diligent about citing references. In this age where nothing has been posted once, take the time to search Technorati, or the web and find the sources of your information as well as similar posts -- simply putting a single 'link' at the end is not enough. We must create value, not link spam.

Happy blogging!

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At 8:50 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Blimey - this thing gets more like homework every day. No wonder I'm bunking off.


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